Monday 9 December 2019

What's the best and quickest way to find a Job?

If you’ve got access to a computer, the quickest way is to visit a job search website. If you can’t think of one, just type job search into a search engine such as Google, and thousands of jobs will appear. If you haven’t got access to a computer, don’t fret. Just pop into your nearest newsagent and purchase a contemporary newspaper. There’s usually a job section towards the back with the classified section before the beginning of the sports pages. Job done. Of course, you haven’t specified how to obtain a job, or what preference would be given to your choice of career. You haven’t asked for advice on what to mention on your application, C.V construction or interview techniques. You’ve just asked how to find a vacancy. You haven’t specified where you’d like your vacancy to be, how far you’d be willing to travel; or salary expectations. So you’ll most likely take up the first vacancy that comes your way just to earn some income; no matter how mundane that field will be. Good luck.

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