Saturday 28 December 2019

Caught on Camera

Once again, another of our civil liberties has been breached in the workplace. It’s odd since the public aren’t allowed to record on the premises without our permission. Yet our rights seem to be misplaced when we have our images photographed in the workplace of us in action. I seem to recall that there’s no prominent notice stating that our image will be recorded when on the premises either. We seem to be approaching a free-for-all situation. All it will take is one independent customer to create that spark; because if we’re recording customers then customers will want to either record us or have the right to a copy of their recording. But at the end of the day; we only get our rights when we stand up for them, and if we must make up a ruckus to get them then so be it. Otherwise the system will try to crush us as much as possible.

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