Monday 2 December 2019

Tasting Panel

When you’re in a touristy area, it’s hard to find your local. For most people, it’s the bar in their hotel that they retire to; or their favourite place close to where their accommodation is. But you’ve still got to find this King of Venues. Until then, you’ve only got your eyes and word of mouth to go on. You’re a tasting ambassador; and one wrong meal could lead to a bad review which would detract many more customers. But on the plus side; you eat with your eyes. You might spot a few things on the menu that may tempt you back to try them. You might want to check out what the other diners are eating. Or you may just have the same again which you enjoyed so much last time. But for a place that you may only stay in for a week of the year; it’s amazing when they recognise you on the following year’s visit.

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