Thursday 26 December 2019

Agonising Annie

I love this old gal. She’s a rollercoaster. On the one side; she’s a lovely old dear who’s loud; mainly because she’s hard of hearing. She supports the work that you do and is prepared to support it; simply with the notion of making you a cup of tea as soon as she walks through the doors. But on the other side she’s as thick as thieves. She really struggles with any type of technology; which is amazing since she works in a shop where half its products involve tech. She’s also one of the gossipers. She’ll stay routed to the spot unless she’s told otherwise while others dash around to do their duty. She’s also got a daughter who occasionally brings her daughter into the shop and everything must stop while they become the centre of attention. That means that other people must cover these roles as well as their own.

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