Monday 16 December 2019

The Wine List

Choosing a wine can be a bit of a problem when you don’t know when you’re looking for. But if you come across one that you really like; you’re bound to want to have it again. That’s why it’s best to remember the name; not just the style but the name of it too. That way, we can give it a whirl the next time we fancy something different. The trouble is that we’ve narrowed it down to three but we still don’t know which one. I’m guessing that it’s the one next to the fingernails; though that could just be a coincidence because of the way that she’s holding the menu. On second thoughts; it’s less likely to be the bottom one since it’s sold by the glass rather than the bottle. You can never be too certain though. Best head to the supermarket to sample each one to be sure…

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