Wednesday 31 January 2018

Three Climb Scarfell Pike

Our mission was to get two newbies up to the highest point of England. One was particularly lazy but he did accompany us to Ben Nevis a few years ago; the other had never conquered a peak before but was ready to try. A few of the girls were considering joining us but after some on-line research they decided to give it a miss and go for afternoon tea instead. So after reassuring people that I’d been up there before and promising to bring them back in one piece, we kitted up and set off to Wast Water on a beautiful sunny day. We got there just after 11 and as one of us was a National Trust member we got free parking. As we stood there admiring the glistening lake of Wast Water the ranger practically gave my friend the golden handshake for becoming a member. Then he moved onto us. I quickly explained that I was with their enemy while my other friend considered getting a joint membership for him and his wife; but sensibly decided that it would be better to wait and see if he survived conquering the mountain first.

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