Thursday 11 January 2018

Scribbo Comes to Town (name in progress...)

Meet Scribbo, the alien that you can barely see! Whenever you grace a bar, Scribbo will always be there watching. He’s the epiphany of common sense that you really need to listen to before ordering another pint or staying up late to watch one more episode or play one more level. His presence reminds you that you really need to function tomorrow and that you have to sacrifice your enjoyment now in order to have an early night so that you can get tasks accomplished tomorrow. He’ll spring up like a cloud as soon as you think that you’ll be OK. He’ll light up the path that you’re shying away from and lead you down a trail of enjoyment but also a trail of future desperation. He can appear in a corner of a pub as you turn towards the bar, or on a flight of stairs just as you’re thinking of avoiding them. So listen to Scribbo for greatness, or ignore him if you just wanna have fun.

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