Sunday 14 January 2018

Good or Bad?

There’s a headline in the news today that a man’s wife died three months ago but he still reads her text messages every day. Is this good or bad? Of course, it’s a tragedy that someone’s lost their wife. But what we don’t know is the stuff in between. Are these messages of love that she’s sent to him, or is it simply his to-do list? Did they love each other or are these insults; or simply a record of pastimes that they did together? Is it his phone? Maybe it’s his wife’s phone that he’s using and there’s still a great deal of people out there who aren’t aware that she’s died. Is he prying into her affairs or is he simply trying to find the PIN number for the joint account? There’s a great deal of the unknown here. Also, is it really headline news? It might make you go ‘ahh’ but do you really care?

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