Thursday 4 January 2018

The Dodgy Spell Checker

Do you see the pint? Or have you got your beer goggles on? Spell checkers can work wonders but if you’ve spelt the word right and put it in the wrong place then it can cause havoc for your readers; especially if you don’t go back and check what you’ve written. After all, most people prefer a roof over their head than a room. And it seems that Word is one of the slowest programs available. It’s the last to load; and if you get a spur of inspiration while you’re typing; sometimes it just can’t keep up. You’ll get the blue circle rolling for a while then it’ll miss out vital words in your sentence. If you’re in the middle of typing a word and you’re lucky then the spellchecker will pick it up and display a distractingly wavy red line underneath the text. You’ve then got to stop and wait for the suggestion to load, but sometimes it’s quicker to just click back and do it yourself. But if the spellchecker hasn’t picked it up then your point becomes a pint which makes it look like you’ve been drinking instead of proofreading your document. People are bombarded with too much information these days so your reader might skim read it and not notice any difference. But if there’s one incoherent word in your sentence then your reader will tear you apart.

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