Monday 15 January 2018

Wi-Fi in the Digs!

I’m back in Cumbria! I’m in a small village which is just outside the Lake District but we’re coastal! I arrived in Allonby and after missing the turn for the road and parking outside a café, I explore my new surroundings. I wander through the backstreets looking for the correct house. The problem is that they’re all names rather than numbers. If you had to name a building; wouldn’t it be easier if they were alphabetical? I decide to go to the café. After all, I could ask them and make a call; and if they didn’t know at least I had some kind of shelter. And then the gang arrived; all four of them, piling out of a tiny car right in front of where we were staying. After a brief reunion we headed inside our new digs. The next dilemma was where to park, as it was all street parking. I decided that the best place for me was to park alongside our wall on the cobbled street which gave enough room for a passing car. I just hoped I wasn’t in a local’s spot.

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