Wednesday 17 January 2018

War and Peace by Leo Tolstoy

War and PeaceWar and Peace by Leo Tolstoy
My rating: 1 of 5 stars

It’s done. One of the biggest bricks that I’ve ever read has finally been completed. And what a bore it was. I think I found the sixth chapter quite entertaining with the bear and the drunken officers taking bets while hanging outside of the window; but that was it. There were also too many visits and soirees going on in the first half of the novel so it was difficult to work out who the main characters were. Tolstoy also became quite vague and lazy in his later conversations; for example when Pierre proposes we’re told it’s in the usual manner and doesn’t go into any detail of descriptions of love. I also found this particular edition quite irritating with parts written in both Russian and French which required having to scroll to the bottom of the page each time to read the French translation. It does give an interesting insight into life during the Napoleonic Wars but that’s all that it’s got going for it.

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