Friday 26 January 2018

A Place Up Their Bum

I really hate these overseas property programmes. Firstly, the participants have no personality or interesting characteristics. They’ve obviously got tons of money to boast about, but we barely learn anything about who they are or what they did. We gape gormlessly as we watch them walk through doors and give one-word comments about what they see. I usually disagree completely with their opinion; they may say the room is too dark while I see loads of light shining through. They may enjoy the décor whereas I think it’s hideous. And then there’s the location. How secluded are these houses? It’s all very well viewing it on a quiet Sunday morning but what happens during the Monday commute? You can’t make a decision like that on just one visit. And some of the presenters have very little enthusiasm. Their narration sounds as if they’re reading off cue cards and show no passion whatsoever. It’s a programme for dreamers and not for the working man.

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