Tuesday 16 January 2018

Twice Upon a Time

Christmas specials are usually tales of tradition and inspiration but this one was just too dark and dull with barely any humour at all. It was just too slow and tragic, and perhaps a world war setting would have been better put with its own episode rather than combining it with one of regeneration to give it the respect that it deserved. And the doctors didn’t actually do anything to achieve the peace of Christmas Day. It was also tragic to officially declare the deaths of Bill and Nardole. I quite liked their ends in the series finale, and imagined Nardole growing old looking after his human family. Then again, this could still happen as it is a show about time travel. But I suppose this is what you get for last-minute writing. Finally, the controversial Jodie Whittaker makes her first appearance with a David Tennant-esque entrance and a Matt Smith-like plot line. Here we go again…

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