Saturday 20 January 2018

A Pain in the Ear

I sometimes have problems with my ears. They get blocked with earwax and affect my hearing; then sometimes then sometimes they'd get infected. I'd go to the doctors only to be told there was nothing they could do for two weeks; during which I might try a course of pouring lukewarm olive oil down them with a dropper. This made me walk about with cotton wool in my ear with the occasional yellow stuff oozing out of it. This used to occur on a yearly basis; but since I went swimming I found that there’s been more time between blockages. Lately though, I haven’t been doing any underwater swimming and I wonder if this has had an effect. The latest blockage has been very painful though, and I sometimes wonder if I’ll ever recover. The trouble is that getting a doctor’s appointment is an absolute nightmare because of all the old people hogging up the phonelines. There should be a special service for taxpayers.

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