Wednesday 10 January 2018

Wilko Woes

I don’t shop at Wilko’s very often. It’s almost like a convenience store; albeit it’s in the town centre so it’s not that convenient for me as I don’t go down there very often. I often buy on price and in this case I was after a printer cartridge. Wilko’s just happened to be the cheapest and most convenient place. The store was just a short walk from home to obtain my purchase. As I don’t visit very often I placed my order online which guaranteed my item to be there; but I did have to wait two days for it to arrive. I also spent some time yelling at the computer to place my order only to realise that I hadn’t selected the required store at the bottom. They could have made it clearer though. I wonder what my experience would be if I ventured in for the walk-in price; or would it be in stock? I should check this out on my next visit. I’m now on their mailing list and seem to be invited to every product range under the sun; including their new lines of bird feed and fabric softeners. They really do seem to get excited about this; but the information they portray is practically useless. Unsubscribed.

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