Friday 19 January 2018

A Loo With a View

Our new digs are amazing! I’m in a converted children’s attic room all to myself. There’s a bunk bed which I can use as a shelf and a comfy chair for reading. If I lean up out of bed there’s a skylight where I can see the sea. It’s a bit difficult to turn the light off though. There’s two other rooms either side of me then downstairs there’s a large en-suite bedroom facing the sea then another set of stairs to two more rooms and a bathroom. Another set of stairs takes me to a small kitchen but I bet they didn’t plan for nine people each needing special diets. There’s also a small comfy lounge with a TV and many tiny trinkets and a very posh dining room. Another set of stairs takes me to a loo with a view; though folks can see you too. Then you go underground into what seems like the basement; but it’s actually on par with the street in the next road. Here there’s a small outdoor patio for barbecues as well as a laundry room and a second fridge which came in handy. Finally, there’s a games room. One room with a pool table and a second with a sofa; a small foosball table and shelves full of books and places to visit.

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