Tuesday 9 January 2018

Exe Valley Exeter Old Bitter at the Rising Sun, Redditch

Is this straight or is this crooked? The image itself is quite straight but the bar that it’s perched on and the pump clip are both at an angle. But why is this? Is this a result of digital editing? Can I get a better angle? Am I standing on a slope or am I standing on one leg? Or have I simply drunk too much beer? After all, this photograph was taken quite late in the evening. At most times you only need a quick snap but if you were professional you’d spend ages re-arranging the pump clip and working out where the best place to stand would be. What would be great is some kind of tool to align the background with the subject; bur of course this would require much re-arranging, especially if people were involved. Some would have to crouch and everyone would have to lean on some sort of support pole to get them at the correct angle. 

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