Monday 29 January 2018

Jennings Cumberland Ale at the Lodore Falls Hotel, Borrowdale

Hunger called us to the Lodore Falls Hotel which had an excellent view of lake Derwent Water. There was plenty of outside seating but it was a bit too cold for sitting outside so we ventured in for lunch. It was a very posh bar inside and I did feel a bit guilty walking in wearing my hiking clobber; but not a word was said and we were made welcome. We sat on leather couches and I opted for a hot burger alongside a pint of Jennings Cumberland Ale. It wasn’t in the best condition but they’d an effort and at least it was local here. The others opted for a selection of tapas dishes which came out in much bigger portions than I’d imagined which was very reasonable considering that the staff were in full waistcoat clobber. A quick chat with them revealed that there was a footpath to the falls directly to the hotel, but we had to walk around their building site first as they were having a spa installed. Unfortunately we ran out of time for this as we didn’t want to miss the last boat back to town.

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