Friday 12 January 2018

Altogether When?

Hats off to Aberdeen council; who last year decided to do away with all this party policy nonsense and work together as a team in the best interests of their city (yes, I know, there’s a lot of e-mail that I need to get through). Unfortunately, their overlords weren’t impressed with this approach of trying to solve their differences with the enemy as they were veering away from the national herd. As a result, they were immediately suspended from their political party. What a shame. It would have been interesting to see what this united cross-party council could achieve having put aside their differences. It would have been great to see this kind of thinking leading the way across the country; literally from the top of the land. I hope that these local heroes didn’t have much faith in their party and went forth to build a better Aberdeen as independent councillors. Go Aberdeen! 

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