Wednesday 3 January 2018

Bless this Beer

Welcome to the first of our Sunday worships here in this very tavern. While we await the funds of our current parish to come to fruition, our good Landlord has generously granted use of his premises until our goal is complete. We will now pass the collecting plate around which takes the form of this empty pork scratching bag. While the bag is being passed around, you may like to know that we have white communion wine available instead of red this week; as I understand that it was a busy evening in here last night. Also, our service will be cut short this week owing to the early kick-off of the Six Nations Rugby tournament. This may explain why some of our TV-facing seats are already occupied this morning. Now please join me in standing to sing today’s first hymn which will be played on our youth choir’s keyboard. Oh. Does anyone have any batteries? 

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