Saturday 13 January 2018

Hambleton Stallion at the George Hotel, Easingwold

Our destination was Scarborough and we’d just passed York and I’d picked out a countryside pub for a stop to grab a snack and stretch our legs. For this we headed into the charming village of Easingwold. We parked at the local sports centre and wandered straight into the middle of the village where was very bustling for a Thursday afternoon. It was just past lunchtime but there were plenty of schoolchildren about all kicked out in green blazers and every bench was occupied. We spotted a Spar and made for some hot sausage rolls, then found a pub that was shut for lunch but the bar was still open. The décor was very blue but the barmaid was friendly and quite chatty. She even gave us directions to avoid the traffic into Scarborough, but this involved following a pensioner for half an hour down a farm track where we had to stop to let the ducks cross the road.

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