Sunday 28 January 2018

Throwing in the Towel #towelled

Ben was fed up of being picked on. He’d had enough. He seemed to be the laughing stock of the office; every person he tried to talk to just wasn’t interested; and his parents were always onto him about when he was going to settle down with a nice girl. Today he’d decided to cool off by venting his frustrations at the local gym. He’d got there early but it seemed that so did everyone else. He’d been queuing forever in the car park as every vehicle seemed to stop at the crossing then look for somewhere to drop someone off rather than actually park. He found a space to squeeze into then dodged the queue to reception by swiping his gym card. Heading upstairs, he found the last unoccupied bike and started his usual warm-up routine. As he plugged his earphones into his phone; he’d realised that he’d left his towel in the car. 

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