Thursday 1 February 2018

Best Man #doctorwho

‘So in conclusion Lady Chatterley, I can’t technically move heaven and Earth, so we’ve just sort of flown around the- phone rings Excuse me. Hello?
‘Doctor, do you ever check your e-mail? I’ve sent you this e-vite about five times.’
‘E-mail? Oh, email. Yes, yes, very important stuff. Presses a few buttons on Tardis and downloading 1000+ messages appears on screen. ‘It seems that I get quite a bit of e-mail; hmm, I’ll have to do something about that.’
‘Well, before you start deleting it all, I’ve set a date? It’s at a country manor in Worcestershire.’
‘Ooh, that sounds quite quaint. Actually, do you mind if I bring someone?’
‘Doctor, I don’t care if it’s the Pope or the Queen of Sheba- ‘
‘The Queen of Sheba? Well- ‘
‘Doctor! Please make sure you’re there on our big day. And no alien invasions.’
‘Martha Jones, I promise to be there on your special day. And I will be quite the gentleman. ‘
‘Thank you.’
‘Well, I suppose you’ve got lots of planning to do. Actually, I’m not doing much at the moment; I might just pop over there and let you know how it’s all going. Yes, see you there. Bye!’

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