Saturday 3 February 2018

Nurse Paul

Last night was one of the most nervous nights of my night. Mum was on a new form of medication that I’d bought from a pharmacy. She’d been having some trouble sleeping so I got her some Night Nurse. It’s available in medicine as well as capsules, but I thought that the capsules would be more effective. What we didn’t realise that you weren’t allowed to take more than four doses of paracetamol in the same period as well as these pills. After some thought, we’d worked out that she’d taken four pills but only two doses; as I was pretty sure that a dose is the same as a portion. We sat watching TV together waiting for bedtime, until she decided to go to bed early and give these pills a try. Lots of thoughts fled through my mind. What if I’d worked it wrong? What would I do if something went wrong? Fortunately, I was comforted with a loud snoring a few minutes later. I looked again on her a few hours later; and she had woken up. And in the morning, she was asleep for a while but dozing soundly.

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