Wednesday 21 February 2018

Change Your Sails

"I can't change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination." -Jimmy Dean

Sometimes I feel as if I’m trapped. Every time I try to complete a task, there’s always someone who gets in my way. I either have to delay finishing the task or abandon it altogether to suit them. This happens a lot when I’m at work. After all you can’t predict when your customers come in. But it’s frustrating when this happens at home too. Everyone wants their two pence of me. And often, I have to change course to accommodate their lives too. You see it’s not just me on this planet; though sometimes it would make things a lot simpler if it was. But why is it that they need me more than I need them? If I could put a value on their time I would charge them extra for consulting me; though they’d probably do the same when I require them to fulfil a task too. Instead I must alter my plan to suit everyone, which is why I’ll never have it my way.

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