Tuesday 27 February 2018

The Fleece is being Fleeced!

The Fleece is one of the last remaining traditional Redditch drinking pubs. It’s one of the first buildings that people see on their way into the town, and in the past it’s also been a hotel; a commodity that is much needed in this area. The plan to turn it into a convenience store will only create more coffers for a certain company and chaos for everyone else. The road that it’s based on feeds directly into a very busy roundabout which is dangerous and busy enough as it is. Adding a store will create further congestion as people enter and exit the site. There are already two other convenience stores within walking distance and the road is well serviced by local buses. There are no plans to build any more housing in this area so there is no need to increase the amount of convenience stores. Adding a third will not be convenient for local people. Instead the council should look to encourage businesses to develop the property into a hotel while retaining a facility for local people.

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