Wednesday 7 February 2018

The Wedding #scavenger

Lee spotted land. He had to get moving. He didn’t know how long he’d got to get to the altar but he didn’t want to leave anything to chance. He just kept swimming. As he got closer he began to feel for land but every time he stopped put his foot down he pulled his shoulders under. Finally, he reached terra ferma and pulled himself out of the water. The beach was packed with holidaymakers but no-one was paying attention to the man who’d just swam twenty miles to the shore. Lee strolled past groups of families and headed across the beach towards the giant bamboo hut at the very end where people were queuing for drinks, ice creams and all sorts of novelty inflatables. Next to the hut was a large led screen displaying the day, time and temperature. Lee groaned. He’d got five hours and no contacts. He’d have to raise holy hell; but at least he could say that he tried.

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