Monday 5 February 2018

It's hard to Keep Clean

I’ve pledged to wash and vacuum my old man’s car once a month. The vacuum isn’t a problem as we’ve got an old cleaner that my brother used to use. I’ve had various results with the wash; the first time was a disaster as I used washing-up liquid. There were just too many streaks. Later when I got the hose out I got outstanding finishes. But last month I resorted to a bucket wash as I accidentally pulled off the screw that goes into the hose reel. The finish was OK but still a bit streaky on the windows. But last week I needed a quick wash as we were going over to visit a family friend. So it was over to Tesco for the machine wash but as the sun was out and it was Sunday everyone had the same idea. We ended going out with a dirty car and on the way back the car got sprayed by a passing gritter so it became more urgent the following day. So on Monday off I went and there was a busy garage but no car wash queue; mainly because it was closed. Apparently they don’t run it when it gets under five degrees so that there’s no risk of it freezing up. I resorted to paying double the price for a handwash and polish. They did miss a bit but I do love the shine.

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