Tuesday 13 February 2018

Building Bridges

‘So our enemy has set up a command post on the other side of the valley?’
‘Yes sir, but a river runs through it. We need to find somewhere to cross to mount an attack.’
‘Ah, but that could walk us into an ambush. We don’t know the terrain in either direction other than what we see. If we do find a crossing point it would take a while to direct us all across; during which the enemy will just fortify their attack from their fort. But what we do have is time.
‘At present we have a direct supply line from the coast. We need to keep that flowing directly into the enemy’s fort. If this river flows directly into the sea then there’s a great opportunity to establish a supply base here. We’ll camp here tonight under full guard with scouts posted in either direction of the river. If it’s clear on our side then tomorrow we’ll launch a full artillery advance on the fort. In the meantime we’ll bring a supply ship along the river to construct a bridge while the enemy is under fire.’
‘Brilliant Sir.’

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