Monday 12 February 2018

Gal Pals

You might think that these people are cold, or that they’re very close girlfriends. But they’re actually celebrating after working together to achieve a team objective. One old, one young, and one’s in between. They’re quite close in the workplace, but will they see each other now that only one remains. The oldest has left the company to pursue another career but lives locally. To date she has not popped in at all to see the team. The second has left to pursue a new role in a different site; but still pops in to say hello to her friends. But to her former colleagues she wouldn’t give the time of day. And the youngest is still here ploughing away.  Will she ever be in touch with the elder two? Poses say everything. The picture suggests they were close at one time; but today they couldn’t be more far apart.

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