Sunday 11 February 2018


"Remember no one can make you feel inferior without your consent." -Eleanor Roosevelt

However you work yourself through the ranks; you’ll always have to follow a set of rules laid out by someone else. If there’s a queue at the checkout you can’t just push the person in front of you out of the way. Presidents can’t bomb countries without good reason. There are always consequences from not following the rules. So if you give your permission to follow the rules; that makes you inferior under someone else’s regime. Some might argue that this elegance shown is simply good manners. To truly ignore all the chaos around you and only do what you want to do makes you superior. Is there a point in owning a big red button if you don’t use it? Well, yes as by owning one you can use your superiority to inflict fear on others. But it’s when we can threaten but choose not to that makes us the better person.

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