Tuesday 20 February 2018

A Room With A View

After a few days Dad was moved to a private room for treatment, which meant that he was going up in the world.  He was nearer to the entrance on the ward’s loop which was on a one-way system to avoid congestion. The new room was also on the outside of the loop which meant that we had a view. On one side we could see the traffic passing the hospital. On the north side there was a helicopter pad but I never saw one land during my visit, though my mother did once. As we were closer to the entrance there was less of a walk to the room, and he also saw the doctor earlier and had earlier meals too. We got to know the nurses more who are great at making tea and we even got some leftover ice cream once. Unfortunately, it meant that there was a greater need for the lift; although going down the stairs wasn’t that bad.

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