Saturday 24 February 2018

Wedding Rush

It’s a nice day for a white wedding, but there’s just so much to do! My brother’s best man had ran out of space in his car so my brother popped round to drop off a bag for me to take for him. There was plenty of drinking to be done that day so I decided to treat him to a large Wetherspoons breakfast, especially since he was providing dinner and supper. After a ‘last rites’ chat it was time to get the show ready. My brother had to get to the bank to make sure he had enough funds for the hotel while I had to collect a wedding present from work. I got home with two hours to spare but the special wrapping paper I bought wouldn’t cover the photo frame. I knelt in the bathroom with a roll of Sellotape and eventually plugged the gap with their wedding card. Then it was time to get suited and booted in time for the groom to be freshened up and collected.  

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