Monday 1 May 2017

Peter Kay's Car Share

I saw one episode of this series and by God it was slow. It was the one when they’re off to a fancy-dress party with Kay dressed as Harry Potter alongside a female Hagrid and a drag Smurfette. Most of the action took place inside Kay’s car alongside a hitlist from a fictional radio station named Forever FM; which I presume is the company that these people work for. The car conversations are mundane; and there’s never any action such as boy chasers; lost drivers or crash action. The highlight was when the Smurf got out to take a piss; and she was a real drag-down owing to the lack of alcohol. Add a very long drive home and a wrong turning to fill some screen time; and you’ll feel just as tired as Kay. Kay himself seems very unimpressed; or is it because he had to do the driving while the others got hammered. I hear that Kay’s next job is a sponsorship deal with Warburtons. Sounds like he needs the dough.

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