Saturday 13 May 2017

Maria June and the Westitmer Welcoming

As Maria made preparations for take-off, she couldn’t help but recall the warm welcome she’d been given when she arrived on this planet. She’d been watching the chaos from afar inside the moon, and all she wanted to do was help. If she could convince the people of Great Titter to accept those folk on the other side of the water, then surely in time she could convince them to accept the moon people too. And so, she started to research what would be the best way to disguise herself; and find out what would be the most acceptable background to be an accepted leader of these people. Of course, the landing would be the most difficult part as she’d have to arrive as stealthily as possible; and she’d also need time to procure a few items before she could create a public persona. But when she finally arrived, she found that a large crowd gathered who not only stood in awe of her arrival but gave a great cheer as she stepped forward as well… 

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