Wednesday 3 May 2017

Sadler's Peaky Blinder at the Ladybird, Bromsgrove

From the outside, the Ladybird Inn looks like one of those traditional coaching houses. It’s in an ideal location as it’s right next to the train station so everyone knows of its existence and it’s always full of locals. I’ve never known it to be quiet; it’s either quiz night or packed with locals watching sport. And it’s also one of those pubs where you have to jostle the bar staff for your attention if you're not known. It’s havoc to park because the pub has a hotel chain attached to it so there’s always a large van or two parked which no-one wants to park next to; and as it's near a roundabout it’s hard to find other parking. They’re one of the few pubs in the area to give discounts to CAMRA members; though they don't really need to. But their guest beer range is very reasonable even without the existence of their local brewery. And there's also an upstairs function which is where I spend most of my time when I'm visiting there. 

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