Friday 5 May 2017

Stuck In a Small Place #dreamdiary28

I’m in a swimming baths! I'm standing on a concrete pillar in my trunks and I can't work out how I got to this pillar. There’s no ladder around me or steps leading from elsewhere. There's a huge pool of water below me but there's also a lot more concrete pillars below me at various right angles. The pillar that I'm standing on is dry but the ones below me are somehow wet. It’s a long drop to the water below and I can't see a clear route down without hitting a pillar. I could run and jump it but I'm not sure that I could clear the pillars below me. It’s also six feet to the pillar below me so if I try and lower myself I would still have to drop so I could slip on impact. So I'm stuck in this deserted swimming baths trying to decide which way to move. Help!

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