Tuesday 2 May 2017


It first hit me when I was driving my truck along the road. There I was listening to Banjo Bonanza when suddenly the air in front of me became all wavy-like. I could see lines in front of me; like when me telly goes on the blink. Next thing I know, something’s slammed into the side of me; even though I couldn’t see anyone else on the road. Before I could swerve, my rear had toppled over the crash barrier and I started rolling down the embankment. The banjo music just kept playing faster and faster until I lost consciousness. When I came to, I was slumped against the driver’s window, and I had to climb up the passenger seat to get out. I had no idea where the road was, but there was this giant factory in front of me with silos and cooling towers churning away with not a soul to be seen.

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