Sunday 14 May 2017

A Capital Quest for Coffee

So the plan was to grab a cup of coffee to get an energy boost for my next excursion, and if I could find a branch of Costa then I could get a good cup at a reasonable price. A quick Google search found one opposite the Thames, so a walk was due pat the Houses of Parliament and over Westminster Bridge. But then the heavens opened and I was getting a good soaking. Fortunately, in the distance at the very end of the bridge was a souvenir vendor selling umbrellas; and a number of people were walking away from him under the shelter of their newly acquired Union Jacks. But alas, when I finally reached him; he’d actually sold out of patriotic umbrellas, which was shame as I felt I would be quite proud bringing a Union Jack umbrella home and felt that it had a chance of laying a fair while provided that I didn't loose it. Fortunately it had also stopped raining, so I bought a cheap key ring and continued on my quest for coffee. 

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