Tuesday 9 May 2017

Warhammer Learner #dreamdiary29

I’m sitting in the living room introducing my brother to the world of Warhammer 40,000. It’s a wargame using figurines to act out battles using dice to determine the winner. Each round consists of moving, shooting, hand-to-hand combat, then retreating. My brother has chosen my favourite army; the Orks, as there’s more of them; while I am the traditional goody-goody space marines. On his first go, he’s done an excellent job of getting his troops into cover as they approach. None of them are in shooting range, but he has engaged a few of my troops in hand-to-hand combat. There’s very few troops that I can see to shoot, so I decide to engage his dreadnought in a close-combat fight. Just as I’m about to begin my go, a third army comes into view – the Eldar; a super-intelligent alien race that no-one knows much about. They swoop in and slaughter my marines.  

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