Monday 29 May 2017

Beer is Good for You

Research is suggesting that drinking pints is more beneficial than taking paracetamol or anxiety medication. A report from The Journal of Pain, an American Medical Journal, states that popping in for a pint instead of popping a pill numbs our brain receptors and blunts our sensation of pain, which then reduces our discomfort.

Leading the study at London’s Greenwich University; Dr. Trevor Thompson looked at over 400 participants who had chronic conditions like arthritis and found that alcohol is an effective painkiller which has less harmful side-effects than paracetamol and some prescription drugs. And we all know that visiting your local on a regular basis helps to improve your social well-being; especially if you live alone.

Another study from experts at Cambridge and University College London found that a daily pint reduces your risk of a heart attack by a third compared to that of a teetotaller. They examined the drinking habits of nearly two million British adults, and found that those who kept to the government guidelines of seven pints a week (or 14 units) improved their heart health.

But before you prescribe yourself another pint; the government recommends to only drink as part of a regular healthy lifestyle. Rosanna O’ Conner; Public Health England’s Director of Alcohol, Drugs and Tobacco said that people who don’t drink shouldn’t start but instead consider stopping smoking, physical activity and a healthy diet. But those who drink more than 14 units a week can reduce their chance of a heart attack by cutting back.  

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