Thursday 18 May 2017

Maria June and the Bungled Manifesto

Maria June was already in power but she had absolutely no idea as to what she should tackle first. Her appointment was only by proxy as her predecessor had decided to stand down owing to investigations into the misuse of public funds. So she came up with a perfect plan; to call a general election so that she could steal ideas from the other parties. By delaying an official manifesto a week behind everyone else; she could also use her peers to test out a number of policies then spend a quiet weekend piecing together the best bits in time for an official launch before the start of the Spring holidays. It was a fair risk as she and her colleagues could lose their seats; but there was also the potential to gain more ground as well. The Fib Democracy Party Leader Tim Yapon had already boasted of how many magic mushrooms he would take if he was voted into office; and the opposition Leader Jim Bourbon was a bit of an old hipster who would only take the country backwards. So her chances were good…

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