Sunday 21 May 2017

Nuclear Mermaid

Life is always a journey into the unknown if we lack the courage to go there. That was Dr. Yarbo’s mantra that kept him going as he began his voyage deep into the Pacific. He and his team had been analysing streams of data for weeks. The data that the drones sent back confirmed that there was a pocket of heat erupting from the earth’s crust into the ocean, but the camera lenses were too reflective to get any visual confirmation of what they were seeing. The only way to find out was to go there himself. And so he'd chartered the best team of geologists and oceanographers that he could to help prove his theory. The problem was that each scientist also had their own theories; and they’d been after each other’s throats for weeks. Now, instead of just sending the sub down to take photographs, he also had to take rock samples, measure the flow of the air currents, and provide a separate food preparation area for both Vegetarians and Vegans. It had truly been a nightmare to co-ordinate. 

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