Wednesday 10 May 2017

Maria June and the Mob of Westitmer

Maria June ran as fast as her legs could carry her. Her antenna were covered with tomato juice. All she tried to do was to keep building on the land of Great Titter. She’d knocked down pubs, public hospitals and schools to build gigantic housing complexes; complete with lifts and modern facilities, while selling the public services to private companies to run. Consequently, this meant that everyone had to keep working to afford the companies’ services; which she just so happened to own. And so an angry mob was now chasing her out of the Houses of Parallelament, and the only place where she could reasonably claim sanctuary was the Westitmer Abbey, where she hoped that her ship would still be able to take off. She charged passed the queues pushing the guards aside, and demanded that they barricade the doors. Just behind her, a loud banging commenced on the other side of the door: ‘Off with her ‘ead!’

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