Saturday 27 May 2017

Pirates of the Carribbean: Salazar's Revenge

We love the pirate films and the antics of Jack Sparrow, so it was great to see Jack on another outing; albeit the confusion when the film decided to change its name at the last minute. And when Jack appeared on screen for the first time it was an amazing scene of confusion, chaos and comedy which had me chuckling all the way. But then the film got serious again. The storyline is well written and is much better than some of its predecessors, but there’s more focus on the plot and tying up the loose ends rather than being an entertaining film. It needs more Jack moments; more scenes that make us laugh out loud as he slowly unleashes a cunning plan. It seems that in this film he just got lucky. But despite all the conclusions and nearly all the happy endings, the franchise isn’t done yet. But it’s a bit of a shame when you work out who it is…

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