Saturday 20 May 2017

Posh Food

Looks nice, doesn’t it? A well-thought out planned menu, with details of exactly of what you’re getting. Except that there’s no pictures so you can’t see the actual dishes (probably because they haven’t been thought through enough) and no calorie information. This fact might be boring to some people, but it’s a good indication of the portion size that you’re going to get. What you’re getting here is actually in miniature format. A lump of mud and some sort of rock placed next to some green leaves. A breast of chicken that’s passed through a grill as quickly as possible adjacent to two miniature carrots and they’ve forgot your second cocktail sausage. Three tiny sugar cube sizes of cake with a slither of sauce to make the dish look stylish. You’ve paid a fortune for this meal. And this is why I hate posh food. Next time I’m invited to somewhere that has posh food on the menu, I’m going to have a big meal beforehand. That way when the meal is collected, I can honestly say that I’m stuffed.

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