Sunday 30 April 2017

Derren De-Browned

I’m just so annoyed that my friend never had the opportunity to enjoy Derren Brown’s Ghost Train because of the fact that he’s in a wheelchair. We’d journeyed all the way down from the Midlands especially for the occasion. It didn’t get off for a good start when we arrived to find that the ride was out of order. When it did get going we were ushered straight to the front, but that meant that we missed out the photo opportunity in the queue system. When we got inside; watching the animatronic Derren Brown was quite enjoyable. We then followed our guide through a series of corridors; and when it came to the steps they had a special wheelchair ramp for my friend. But when it came to actually boarding the train; they actually expected my friend to be able to stand up and walk from his chair to the ride! Why wasn’t this mentioned before we started queuing by the first attendant? What a waste of time. 

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