Thursday 13 April 2017

The Splurgeot 2008

When I collected my car from its MOT, I was given a magazine detailing the launch of the new Peugeot 2008. It claimed that it would take us through the whole design process “from sketchbook to showroom”. It began with too many assumptions; that I automatically knew the difference between an SUV and an MPV; and it also mentioned many other abbreviations that I decided to just skimp over and not bother looking up. There were showy photographs and interviews with designers; but not a single sketchbook was featured and there's not even a mention of any specification of the car or pictures of the driver’s seat. Instead it just focuses on comfort and testing; which suggests that it’s just an oversized showy tank with lots of flashy features; fun to have but you need an expensive lifestyle to go with it. It truly is a soccer mum’s heaven. Though a fifty-eight percent safety rating without an adequate explanation doesn't make it sound that safe. Especially if you need a harness to take pictures out of the boot. 

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