Thursday 6 April 2017

The Oddball

One of the many perks of being in an organisation where you share the same interests is that you get to meet people from all walks of life. Rich or poor; old and young; they all unite under one common cause. There are some great characters that you really enjoy spending your time and sharing your stories with. And occasionally there are people that are just odd; not just for the act but are downright bonkers. It’s not just that they dress the same to stand out; it’s how they interact with the world around them as well. They’re people that you’ll find fascinating to watch as part of a group; but you wouldn’t necessarily feel comfortable inviting them into your own home. And when you watch them; you learn even more of their habits such as cursing at everything that comes into their sight and stealing every morsel that comes before them; and you actually wander what goes into their head to make them feel that they want to share your common cause.

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