Friday 28 April 2017

That's Better, That's Tetley

Come and rest your laurels and take off yer flat cap, it’s time for a cup of tea. You’ve been working hard lad so I’ve sent the missus off to put the kettle on. One lump or two? Yep, I’ve been perched on this bench for a long time now. It’s a great spot for people watching. And there’s some strange folk nowadays. Half of them don’t even know how to make a decent brew. And there ain’t half some rustling in the bushes behind me. I don’t know if it’s just the local wildlife that’s got their eyes on my brew or the youngsters having a roll in the hay. But watching the teapot go round and round doesn’t make me dizzy at all. Each time it spins, I just picture the brew coming out and wishing I could be sitting in one of those giant cups having a warm bath full of tea. Ah, that’s better. 

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